17 X 13.5 INCHES
Emilia ‘Mily’ Possoz 1888-1967 )Mily Possoz received her artistic training with Emilia dos Santos Braga in her home country of Portugal and moved to Paris in 1904 to study at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. During a stay in Germany she perfected the technique of etching under the guidance of Willy Spatz. In 1909 she returned to Portugal. From 1912 she exhibited along with the artists Manuel Bentes and Eduardo Viana at the Salon of Humorists and Modernists (Exposições de Humoristas e Modernistas). In addition, she published numerous drawings in Portuguese avant-garde magazines. From 1922 to 1937 she lived again in Paris together with Eduardo Viana. In 1937, his participation in the French engraving exhibition held in Cleveland , in the United States, she won a gold medal and the acquisition of his works to the Museum of Cleveland. In 1940 she was among the wide range of modernist artists invited by the architect Cottinelli Telmo for the decoration of the pavilions of the Portuguese World Exhibition, she ecoratd the Japan Room, inspired by the art of the Namban Screens. In 1943 she participated in designing ballet costume for Sebastian, the Companhia Portuguesa de Verde Gaio Ballet. In 1956 she collaborated with engravings at the Cooperative Society of Portuguese Engravers , which she remained a member until the date of his death. In 1957, she met the art collector Machaz, who commissioned several paintings for the decoration of the Hotel Tivoli. After her return to Portugal she worked alongside the architect Cottinelli Telmo at the Exposição do Mundo Português in Lisbon.