30 X 24 INCHES
Gholam Yunessi's talent has been molded through years of dedication to the masters of his native Tehran - starting with one of Persia's most famous sculptors, his uncle Esamaeel Yunessi. At the young age of five, Gholam's creative foundations were nurtured and shaped by this familial guide.
In high school, Gholam's talent continued to develop in drawing and charcoal renderings under the guidance of the renowned Persian artist Shaness. Gholam ultimately went on to study the history and technique of fine art painting at the Tehran College of Fine Art.Following college, Yunessi formally began his career - creating, exhibiting and teaching art.
During this period, he had the unique opportunity of instructing and influencing several young artists. One of those studying at Yunessi's studio was the new artist, Hessam, who has since gained great artistic renown in his own right. In fact, Hessam recently recalled his apprenticeship with Yunessi as one of the most pivotal experiences in the development and success of his life as an artist.
During this period, Yunessi also took time to travel to Europe in order to gain a more intimate understanding of the masters and styles of European art. From this diverse exposure, he was able to devise an approach all his own.
Mastering the juxtaposition of varied cultures, and of classic and contemporary styles, Gholam Yunessi powerfully blends sensitive tonality with vibrant color to create art that unifies and even transcends different aesthetic traditions. Yunessi finally brought his rich balance of near-eastern and European influences to America, where he has continued to create and produce work that has been recognized and exhibited around the world since 1972.