Erwin Binder
Born in Philadelphia on January 24, 1934, Erwin Binder was raised
in the atmosphere of economic and political malaise that followed
the Great Depression and surrounded World War II. As a child he
saw around him anxiety and uncertainty, and as a youth entered
the postwar year in the spirit of restlessness shared by most of his
Following a brief period at Temple University, he entered the Air
Force in 1952 and was stationed near the border of Mexico during
most of his enlistment. It was there that he encountered a people and
culture whose historical heritage had a profound impact on him.
Following his time in the military, Binder worked for 20 years in the
family jewelry business before renewing his pursuit of art. Inspired
by the works of José Clemente Orozco, he then studied at Otis
Art Institute. He produced numerous public sculptures throughout
Southern California in the 1970s and 1980s. Working primarily
in bronze, onyx and stone, Binder’s work is deeply influenced by
Mexican culture.
He died in Los Angeles on October 10, 1993. |